PARI is Your Specialist in effective inhalation

We are the experts in respiratory health

Read all about the advantages of nebuliser therapy and its wide range of indications here.

Read more on the topic of inhalation therapy

eFlow Technology

PARI´s eFlow Partnering, in cooperation with partners from the pharmaceutical industry, develops and markets optimised vibrating membrane nebulisers for the administration of innovative medication.

Go to eFlow Technology Partnering


Reliable, durable and tailored to your needs. Our quality standards are evident in every PARI BOY.

More about PARI BOY

What makes an effective nebuliser?

The more medication that reaches the lungs per minute, the more efficient a nebuliser system is. Consider the Respirable Drug Delivery Rate (RDDR).

Click here for more information

Nebuliser therapy in times of Corona: safe and effective

Find out what leading experts say about nebuliser therapy during the coronavirus pandemic.

Click here for more information

The right device for every indication

Product guide

Use our interactive product guide to quickly and easily find the right device for your needs.

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Our collaboration partner

Asthma + Lung UK

PARI Medical Ltd are proud to be working with Asthma + Lung UK as a member of the Taskforce for Lung Health’s Industries Forum. The Taskforce’s mission is to prevent more people from developing lung disease, and to transform the care of people living with lung disease.

For further information visit their website
Go to Taskforce for Lung Health

PARI Medical Ltd are the sole UK distributor of the Simeox airway clearance device

Produced by PhysioAssist in France, Simeox technology offers an innovative solution for efficient clearance of the lungs in patients suffering from chronic respiratory conditions. By changing the physical properties of mucus, Simeox helps mobilize mucus from the furthest areas of the lungs. Adrien Mithalal, founder and CEO of PhysioAssist said “At PhysioAssist, our goal is to set Simeox as a standard of care therapy for patients with obstructive pulmonary diseases such as cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, COPD and Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia. We proudly believe Simeox can greatly benefit those patients and are delighted that PARI Medical Ltd is distributing the Simeox device in the UK. PhysioAssist and PARI Medical Ltd share the same vision and mission: improving the lives of those affected by respiratory diseases by offering innovative solutions”.

For further information Contact us or visit

PARI Sinus2


Pulsing aerosol for the treatment of sinusitis

To the product

PARI Compact2


Proven effective in the treatment of diseases of the lower airways

To the product

PARI NaCl Inhalation Solution

PARI NaCl Inhalation Solution

Bring soothing sea air into your living room with our saline solutions.

To the product

PARI Compact2


Proven effective in the treatment of diseases of the lower airways.


Indications for nebuliser therapy

From colds to severe respiratory diseases – nebuliser therapy is a gentle and effective treatment method. Nebuliser therapy is tried-and-tested for chronic respiratory diseases and is becoming an increasingly common treatment for colds.

Read more about the indications for nebuliser therapy

PARI Product Guide

Product guide

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Everyday life with asthma

Find out more about asthma and how you can maintain control over your life with this disease.

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Asthma in children

Asthma in children

Unfortunately, asthma symptoms are often overlooked in children.

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Contact us

Any questions? You can reach us at this number: 
01932 341122