We are there for you when breathing isn’t easy anymore.

A lung disease that is affecting more and more people: COPD

COPD stands for “chronic obstructive pulmonary disease”. Chronic obstruction of the bronchial tubes is typical for COPD, which can go hand-in-hand with a distension of the pulmonary tissue (pulmonary emphysema). COPD is an umbrella term for different clinical conditions with similar complaints. Typical COPD symptoms are shortness of breath, chronic cough, sputum and restricted physical performance.

Why you should take COPD seriously

COPD is a lung disease that is on the rise. In terms of diagnosed cases, COPD is the second most common lung disease in the UK, after asthma. Around 2% of the whole population – 4.5% of all people aged over 40 – live with diagnosed COPD (source: British Lung Foundation). Smokers in particular should look out for alarm signals - shortness of breath, cough and sputum. You should also see a lung specialist regarding a spirometry test for COPD

We at PARI have plenty of experience with diseases like COPD. We can support you with our tried and tested nebuliser devices. This can help you to manage your COPD better and improve your quality of life.

Live independently. Even with COPD.

Live independently. Even with COPD.

Find out more about managing your disease and how you can still take control over your own life, even with COPD.

More about day-to-day life with COPD

Harmless cough – or a sign of COPD?

Harmless cough – or a sign of COPD?

COPD develops slowly. Many of those affected often fail to take the first symptoms seriously. COPD has typical symptoms and often has obvious causes.

Find out more about symptoms and the disease progression

Do you have breathing difficulties? Talk to your doctor.

Do you have breathing difficulties? Talk to your doctor.

If you have a persistent cough or breathing difficulties, you should consult a lung specialist who will be able to tell you if your symptoms are associated with COPD.

Find out more about a diagnosis of COPD

Treatment for COPD – as much quality of life as possible

Treatment is based on the findings and the severity of the COPD. We categorise therapies either as drug or as non-drug therapies. There is a lot the patient can do to improve how the disease progresses.


Find out more about COPD

Relief for your airways: Inhalation for COPD

Relief for your airways: Nebuliser treatment for COPD

If you have COPD, therapy with PARI devices provides valuable support.

Find out more about Inhalation for COPD

Taking best possible care of your airways when you have COPD

We have innovative products for patients who need specialist therapeutic support. People suffering from COPD depend on comprehensive treatment and care of their airways. Reliable delivery of the medication into the bronchial tubes and the lungs is an especially important consideration. 

As experts in specialist inhalation devices, we have suitable devices for COPD. At PARI we do our best every day to deliver the best possible support to people with COPD.

You are not alone – here you will find more support

You are not alone: Click here for more support

We are well aware that when you have COPD questions keep cropping up. Not every issue can be addressed by the family or the internet. Talking to others with COPD and contact with self-help groups can often help.

Click here for more support

PARI BOY Classic – our recommendation for COPD

Gold Standard from PARI. Flexible, with variable droplet spectrum and optional intermittent nebulising.

More about the PARI BOY Classic


PARI Year Packs

For annual replacement of the nebuliser chamber, connection tubing and compressor air filter.

Go to PARI Year Packs

Nebuliser therapy

Our nebuliser devices provide an effective and gentle way of treating respiratory diseases. We can rely many years of expertise in nebuliser therapy. Nebuliser devices transport saline solutions and medications into the respiratory tract.

Read more about inhalation

PARI Product Guide

Product guide

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Where to buy a PARI device

Contact our branch offices for information on where to buy our products .....

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PARI NaCl Inhalation Solution

PARI NaCl Inhalation Solution

Bring soothing sea air into your living room. Thanks to modern nebuliser devices and saline solutions from PARI.

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Any questions? You can reach us at this number: 
01932 341122