7 tips to help children inhale asthma sprays / metered-dose aerosols

Children with chronic respiratory diseases often have to inhale asthma sprays or metered-dose aerosols. We have seven useful tips you should bear in mind.

Spacer for asthma & COPD sprays: How to use inhalation chambers properly & benefit from the advantages

An inhalation chamber, known as a spacer, has many advantages for spray inhalation for asthma and COPD. We explain these benefits and show you how to use an inhalation chamber with sprays properly.

Simple breathing exercises for COPD – help for shortness of breath, coughing & hyperinflation: Exercise 3 “Bow and Arrow while Sitting”

Physiotherapist Marlies Ziegler explains how respiratory physiotherapy for COPD works and every week for three weeks she will present a new breathing exercise that will help with shortness of breath, coughing and hyperinflation. Part 3

The articles found on the PARI Blog are written by the PARI Blog editorial team. The editorial team consists of PARI employees as well as external guest authors and freelance editors, some of them suffering from severe respiratory diseases themselves.